I. 12.Labour was both the need and happiness for The Royal Family

Tsarina Alexandra Fedorovna had life principle: «Life is gifted not for joy, but for labour».
Queen-Mother looked after the children to make sure they don’t waste time just sitting around. Princesses mended their clothes and young ones wore clothes of their elder siblings.
They always had a garden , which was small at first, but became quite large then.

Princesses loved to boast their grandmother, Maria Fedorovna, about beautiful garden radish, sweet carrot and cucumber.

We should understand that they were brought up in high society experiencing mocking from this society and resentment of their relatives.

In our lifetime it’s necessary to tell children that work is “Royal business”, God’s installment and is beneficial for both themselves and the other society.
Both The Royal Family and Russian people understood the value of labour: «No good without labour», «Labour feeds, laziness spoils».

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